We have no fixed opening hours. Odonien is only open during events. The events may be subject to an entrance fee. You can find all the necessary information in our calendar of events.
From May to September we are open free of charge every Friday from 6 to 10 pm as part of the Odonian Friday Stage.
You have lost something? Send us an email at info@odonien.de with a detailed description or photos of the lost items. We’ll check and get back to you.
The Odonien site is basically barrier-free, there are no steps in the entrance and outdoor areas. However, not all paths are paved and a few areas are uneven or have step-like barriers. There is a barrier-free toilet in the beer garden (near the entrance/cash desk) with a turning circle of 1.50 meters and grab rails on both sides. The washbasin is wheelchair accessible, more information www.wheelmap.org. Assistance persons always have free admission.
Are only allowed on a leash in outdoor areas. Not permitted at party events in the club area (indoor).
At all events in the club area (indoor).
We’re rebuilding our newsletter to keep you updated on the latest happenings in our Freistaat at irregular intervals. Sign up, and you’ll receive our current program and other information conveniently by mail, ensuring you never miss an event.