
Surrounded by monumental sculptures, absurd installations, unusual found objects and lush planting, the Odonian Sculpture Park forms the heart of Odonien open-air season. Here there is space for new encounters, celebrating together, eating and drinking - an urban idyll without constraints and dependencies, a think tank and a modern agora with industrial charm.

Rostige Metall-Skulptur

Surrounded by monumental sculptures, absurd installations, unusual found objects and lush planting, the Odonian Sculpture Park forms the heart of the Free State's open-air season. Here there is space for new encounters, celebrating together, eating and drinking - an urban idyll without constraints and dependencies, a think tank and a modern agora with industrial charm.

Through the use of light, fire, water and wild plants, his installations radiate an almost childlike playfulness. He consciously breaks with norms and works intuitively - in contrast to his mechanical engineering studies, where he always had to adhere to specifications. Odo's collection of artworks is constantly growing and changing: nothing is meant to last forever and there is always something new to discover and experience. Odonien is more than just an exhibition space, it can be understood as a total work of art.


Odo Rumpf

Odo Rumpf - collector, engineer and sculptor

The graduate mechanical engineer and metal sculptor Odo Rumpf has been a full-time artist since 1991. He constantly creates new sculptures, large-scale kinetic objects and multimedia installations from a combination of steel and industrial finds. One of his best-known objects is the solar bird on the Rhine promenade in Cologne, for which he was awarded the European Solar Prize for Art in 1997.

Odo Rumpf